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Photography Portfolio:


A Level Work

'Staged or Candid' is a series from my 'A' Level work. This series is about three girls who have committed a crime... The three then decide to meet up to discuss their false alibi. - This is a series of staged Images designed to make the viewer think and create their own story line for each character - Influenced by the works of Holly Andres' photography that explores the concept of staged narrative cinematic photography.


A Level Work

Staged or Candid 'A' level work. As part of my final exam I did a staged photoshoot inspired by Stanley Kubrick. These are staged photographs that tell the story of a man in the 1960's who is waiting for his date to arrive... However, the mysterious girl never turns up and he is left waiting. 
They are all in black and white to depict the photographic style of the time and be in keeping with the style of Kubrick's work.


A Level Work

This is a photoshoot from a mini project titled 'Ambiguity and Abstraction.' I decided to research 'colour psychology' and I created images which had colour schemes that correspond to emotional feelings. I feel that this idea helped me portray an abstract version of emotions. The photographic works of Izima Kaoru have had an influence on my work in this series, as well as the painting 'Ophellia' by John Everett Millais.

'Ambiguity and Abstraction' Milk Bath - Dreamy
'Ambiguity and Abstraction' Milk Bath - Happy
'Ambiguity and Abstraction' Milk Bath - Peaceful
'Ambiguity and Abstraction' Milk Bath - Romance
'Ambiguity and Abstraction' Milk Bath - Pensive
'Ambiguity and Abstraction' Milk Bath - Envy


A Level Work

Film Noir is a style of Hollywood Film making (most popular during 1940's/50's) that incorporates harsh contrast lighting with black and white filmography. These films usually include one or more of the themes of romance, mystery, crime and drama. Film Noir photography combines all of these features into a photograph and usually tells a story or conveys a sequence of events through a series of photographs. These are my Film Noir style photographs taken in London. In each of these images I intended to create an atmosphere of mystery by having my model pose facing away from the camera, causing the viewer to question what he is thinking about and where he is going in each photograph.


A Level Work

As part of my A level course I researched projection photography and how light is used creatively in images. Inspired by the works of John French, I decided to do a shoot using a projector to put patterns on my model. These images have all been taken in the studio in darkness, with just the projector light on, so that the patterns appear crisp and vibrant.


A Level Work


These images were all taken in the studio. I used  gel overlays on the lights to create a colour contrast of light on my model's face. This is part of my 'Creative use of light' work.

Gel lighting 1
Gel lighting 2
Gel lighting 3
Gel lighting 4
Gel lighting 5


A Level Work

This is a series of images from my Trichotomy, as a response to my 'Selected Colour' work. My Trichotomy includes; The Grimm's Tale of Cinderella as a 'narrative', Annie Leibovitz's campaign for Disney's Cinderella live action film as the 'concept' and the photographic works of Izima Kaoru as the 'aesthetic.'


A Level Project

'The Creative Use Of Light' - Final Project: The portraits in this series have been inspired by some of Imogen Cunningham's portrait work and I have paired them with Rupi Kaur's poems. During this series of work, I consistently photographed a telephone box, so to create my final image, I put some of my favourite work from this study into a telephone box and re-photographed it. 
During this project, I have experimented with studio lighting and creating light trails.

'Creative Use Of Light'- Final image
'Creative use of Light' - Long exposure telephone box
'Creative use of Light' - Long exposure telephone box 2
'Creative use of Light' - Portrait with Rupi Kaur poem
'Creative use of Light' - Portrait with Rupi Kaur poem 2


A Level Work

These images explore fashion and location. For the prom dress shoot, I decided to take photographs in two settings, a tennis court and at a viaduct. -This juxtaposition of luxury clothes and causal settings creates an emphasis on the model and her clothes, which are the features for fashion photography.

Photography A Level Final Exam Book

This video gives  a tour of my final exam book. I spent 2 months working on this project and I am very proud to have achieved an A grade for my efforts.

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